What Are The Importance Of Pier Caps?

Pier Caps sydneyConcrete pier caps are an indispensable structure for a building or house that has brickwork.

For those who don’t know what pier caps are, they are stones or concrete pyramid-structured block that is placed on the highest pillar to give it a final touch. Pier caps have a minimalist look and beautiful design to seamlessly blend with your property’s outer design.

Per caps might look like a decorative top for a pillar at first glance. But you must set up your pier caps as soon as possible because they have a purpose. Read on this blog to know why pier caps are important.

Aesthetically Pleasing

One of the most significant reasons to get pier caps is to create a polished and finished look for your property. They must match the overall look and feel of your property’s outer design. They should be attractive and designed in a way to beautifully blend the facade of your place.

Pier caps come in various concrete, stone, and materials to help you choose the best as per your preference. You can even customise it in any design and style. To give a more elegant look, give a tinted look to your cast stone.

Reduce Erosion

You might experience erosions in your walls and pillars due to rain. As a result, you might experience erosions in your walls and pillars within a few months, depending on the materials used for the building. But, you will notice the worsening of erosion over time. The rain may slowly loosen the bricks, especially if you have brick or stone walls.

You need to use coping on your walls as well as pier caps on your pillars to prevent such common problems. As the concrete pier caps have a pyramid shape, the rain will run off from all sides. As they are larger than the pillar itself, the rain flows to the ground.

Prevent Discolouration & Grooves

Over time, there may be grooves on concrete or smoothed walls due to water running down. Pier caps can be very helpful in preventing grooves that may affect the condition of the pillar over time. When you add pier caps, the rain is diverted away from the actual wall, and the pillars can stay new for many years to come.

Many people also face the problem of discolouration. If there are pollutants in the rain, it can easily discolour the wall and piers of your property. The damp walls may also cause moss and algae to grow. As this cannot be completely prevented with per caps, the possibility of discolouration due to rainwater is reduced drastically.

You can design your pier caps and coping in any design and style as per your exact requirements and preferences. Are you looking for something elegant and beautiful at the same time? Need some help in choosing the best material for your pier caps? Want customised design and style for your pier caps? 

Connect With Us Today. Our experts will be glad to help you out.


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